
Upper Plenty Hall (The Shack) News July 2012


The order for the personalised pavers which will border the outdoor floor area has been finalised. We look forward to receiving these in the near future and seeing them laid in place. Thanks to everyone for their patience waiting for this to happen.

It’s great to see the hall, playground and general outdoor area being so well used. Unfortunately, this is resulting in quite a lot of litter about the grounds. Please, if you are a user of this area, would you pick up your own, and your children’s litter and take it home with you. Our outside bin is only emptied once a week and can’t accommodate all the extra rubbish! The Committee of Management will be very grateful for your help with this and the grounds will look a whole lot better for all of us.

Shack Gazebo

Planting around the creek has begun. There are hundreds of plants to put in so any help will be very welcome. If you would like to help out with this please contact Rose 5783-1661. You can also join our volunteer group Friends of the Shack and earn credits towards hire of the Shack.


Garden Club – meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Enquiries: Susan 5783-1456.

Don’t forget to check out our website for the latest Upper Plenty news –

or email us at shack [at]

Until next month – all the best, Rose King.