
Stay Connected Upper Plenty December 2010


Hi Everyone,

A three month gap between newsletters means that there is a lot of news to cover. Firstly, there has been a lot of progress regarding the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund (VBAF) money allocated to Upper Plenty ($234,098.00). The UPCAG Committee has been working closely with Mitchell Shire to ensure that the money is spent according to community wishes. The roofline for the outdoor area has been finalised (skillion style) and tenders should be out for the works soon. This part of the work will also include the extension to the storage area and a new roof for the hall. The children’s playground design is in progress – the decisions made so far include: heritage colour scheme, two structures linked by a bridge / tunnel, slide, scramble net, monkey bars and fireman’s pole, total size 12 X 9m. This should keep the under 12’s happy.

The new external noticeboard, dubbed “the Big Banana” because of its size and Queensland origins, will be erected after the building work is completed. The noticeboard header is done in colours sympathetic to those of the hall and will be noticed by passers-by. There are also funds to continue community get-togethers as well as other activities which bring people together.

The UPCAG Committee would like to thank Stephen Patton and Nicole Kanderovskis for their contributions to the UPCAG Committee and the community. Both have unfortunately resigned due to other commitments. Welcome to Christine Ogilvie and to Mary Hullin who are joining the Committee.

The VCAT hearing for Robert Knott’s appeal against Council’s decision to disallow his Planning Application for the sawmill in Mahadys Road was heard in mid September. The outcome was that Mr. Knott had 28 days from 16th September to cease operating and 60 days to clear everything off the site. He has admitted to doing much more than what he originally applied for and is now going to try to amend his original application. This means another trip to VCAT, not only for him, but also for concerned residents. Mr. Knott appears to have a rather uneasy relationship with the truth, given his past behaviour and assertions about how he is conducting his business. He’ll have a hard job now convincing anyone that he intends to comply with planning regulations. Congratulations to those residents who took time out from work and other commitments to attend the VCAT hearing. All residents need to be aware of how a positive ruling on a planning application could impact on them. If Mr. Knott was successful you could find a similar facility built next door to YOU. Could you tolerate the fire risk, the extra traffic created by non-residents in heavy trucks, the wear and tear on your unmade road? Congratulations and profound thanks to Mitchell Shire Council for following this through and supporting residents’ concerns.


Rita & Keith Miller (Clarkes Rd) – second time lucky! Brickwork on the new house has been completed for the second time! Rita & Keith have been very disappointed in their builder, who not only left unsupervised apprentices to lay the bricks first time round, but who also has not been able to keep to the building schedule. Meantime, they are spending most weekends tidying up around their property – still a lot of dead / fallen trees to clean up, weed control….. it goes on and on.

Travis & Gillian Buckland (Lords Rd) – have finally moved into their own home in Whittlesea and are now feeling more settled. They now have easier access to school and kinder for the children – much less travelling to do. They are still planning to move back to Upper Plenty at some stage. They were very disappointed recently to find firewood stolen from their Upper Plenty property.

Woosnam’s property (Lords Rd) – sold for $470,000 in September (100 acres). The Woosnams did not return after Black Saturday and are currently living in Echuca. The new owner has already prepared a site for building.

Eric & Nicole Kanderovskis (Mahadys Rd.) – have recently moved into their re-built home. Welcome back!

Kris Faltis (Cleves Rd. Nth) – Kris has had a number of health issues this year and has surgery recently. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Kris. The girls are doing well at Darraweit Guim Primary School.

Margaret Boquest (Clarkes Rd) – has ornamental gourds for sale, either polished or unpolished. The gourds can be painted and/or carved by crafty people and make beautiful display objects when finished. Contact Margaret on 5783-4008. Margaret will be again this year doing the catering for judges and exhibitors at the Kilmore Show. Caitlin Livesay (Clarkes Rd) will be her “assistant” this year.

John Clark & Julie Perham (Clarkes Rd) – Congratulations on the safe arrival of Toby Alexander on Melbourne Cup Day. People who attended the November Friday night BBQ got to look at this very cute little bundle. John’s radio station is back up & running after some technical hitches. Contact John at for more info.

The Andreatta Family (formerly of Mahadys Rd) – Marguerite Andreatta, husband Jim, daughter Daniella, & grandson Caleb, attended the November Community BBQ. Marguerite’s family lived on 355 acres at the end of Mahadys Rd. 1946 – 1964. The property has since been subdivided into 6 or 7 (Ogilvie, Hullin, Kanderovskis, Francis, & others). Marguerite, although only in her 60’s, describes a life of struggle & deprivation, being made to leave school at 14 to work on the land in Mahadys Rd. – a life which is hard for us in the 21st century to understand. Silvano Bontempelli & his wife also attended the BBQ. Silvano’s family lived on the Andreatta property in the 1970’s. Silvano remembers giving Dianne Patton a pearl from his mother’s necklace, and still wonders if she has it? It was really interesting to hear these people talk about life in Upper Plenty 50 years ago. We hope to see them again.

Peachy’s (Whittlesea-Wallan Rd) – You may have been wondering about the earth-moving works happening at Uncle Nev’s Trail Rides. They are filling up holes/dips on their land and clearing scrub. The road needed to be put in to allow truck access to provide fill. Must be a lot of holes as the trucks just keep coming…

The Shack Committee of Management – recently did a fundraising Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings, Epping. This is a fantastic fundraiser for community groups – the shack Committee made over $1,000.00 after costs. Highly recommended to community groups looking for ways to raise funds. Bunnings make it very easy for you.

Ogilvie Family (Mahadys Rd) – Thank you to Jack who removed the old fence from the hall to make way for the playground. We hope the chooks will be happy in their new compound.

Mary & Greg Hullin (Mahadys Rd) – Welcome to Mary who has recently joined the UPCAG Committee. As Mary already has a very busy life with her family and is about to start rebuilding her home, the community owes her a big thank you for contributing her time to the Committee.

Alan Spence (Clarkes Rd) – Alan has reached lock-up stage on his new home. It is a very different home to his former mud-brick one. This time it is a Victorian style, complete with double-hung sash windows and lace-work. Alan has been working with the builders, labouring & project managing. His first house was very beautiful and I’m sure his second will be just as impressive.

Rose King & Francis Payne (Clarkes Rd)- are proud to report that Melbourne Water have given us a verbal “jumbo elephant stamp” for our work in rehabilitating / revegetating our part of a tributary of Dry Creek after the bushfires. Prior to Black Saturday it was infested with blackberries and we had no real appreciation of indigenous vegetation. Once you start looking at native vegetation you start appreciating its qualities. Have a look at Laurimar Hill Top Park if you would truly like to be inspired.


What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cement mixer?

A bricklayer. (Maybe Rita & Keith Miller would have had better luck by doing this?)


“Cash, Cheque, or Credit”, I asked, after folding the items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control for a television in her purse. “So, do you always carry your TV remote?”, I asked.

“No”, she replied, but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally”



Christmas Party for all residents – Friday December 10, starting 6.30pm.

A fully catered two-course meal will be provided, a great band, and a visit from the big man in red. To ensure there is enough food for all PLEASE RSVP TO HAYLEY BY 29TH NOVEMBER – 5783-1141. BYO drinks. Come along and have a great night with friends & neighbours.

Australia Day Breakfast – Wednesday 25th January, starting 9.00am

Come along for a delicious breakfast cooked on the BBQ.

We are very privileged to have Kevin Butler, founder of Blazeaid, attending

as our Australia Day Ambassador. We also hope to have some entertainment lined up for you – bush poetry & music. Please come along and celebrate the privilege of being Australian with your community and friends.

Please RSVP to Rose on 5783-1661 by Monday 23rd January to assist with catering.

Shack Committee of Management Meeting – Wednesday 8th December, 7.30pm. All residents welcome to attend. We would love to have some new ideas and a fresh look at where we are going and what we are doing.

UPCAG Committee Meeting – Friday 10th December, 9.30am.

All residents welcome to attend . Find out how Upper Plenty’s $234,098.84 from the Bushfire Appeal Fund is being spent!

THE NEXT ISSUE OF “STAY CONNECTED – UPPER PLENTY” WILL BE OUT IN MARCH 2011. If you have any news you would like to share please contact me (details at top of page).


Supported by Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund .

Email: Snail Mail: 175 Clarkes Rd, Upper Plenty 3756

Ph: 57831-661



Comet McNaught over Upper Plenty Tuesday, 23 January 2007, 10:34:54 PM In South West sky.

Picture by Tony Wakefield.